Se afişează 31-40 din 25610 rezultate.
    2014 marks the 66th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.<br />
<br />
Production: Workhouse Creative<br />
Director: Renato Marques<br />
3D and VFX: Renato Marques<br />

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    2014 marks the 66th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    Production: Workhouse Creative
    Director: Renato Marques
    3D and VFX: Renato Marques

    Video prezent in stirile/articolele:

    Video prezent in stirile/articolele:

    Imagine si montaj: Cosmin Giurgiu<br />
Asistent imagine si fotograf: Diana Culda<br />
Coloana Sonora: Audio Network<br />
copyright Ghid Video Turistic - Phantom Video Productions

    Cazanele Dunarii

    Imagine si montaj: Cosmin Giurgiu
    Asistent imagine si fotograf: Diana Culda
    Coloana Sonora: Audio Network
    copyright Ghid Video Turistic - Phantom Video Productions

    Video prezent in stirile/articolele:

    The life of a painter takes us on a journey through different emotions and into real passion, teaching us that life is about all the people that keep their dreams alive, no matter what.<br />
<br />


    The life of a painter takes us on a journey through different emotions and into real passion, teaching us that life is about all the people that keep their dreams alive, no matter what.

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    We're updating Facebook Search to make it easier to find the posts that have been shared with you.

    Updates to Facebook Search

    We're updating Facebook Search to make it easier to find the posts that have been shared with you.

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    Iconic Swiss photographer takes us on a journey through six images from his archive, photographing figures like  Che Guevara chain-smoking in his office in 1963, Pablo Picasso in Cannes in 1957 and Am

    "Six Photographs": René Burri

    Iconic Swiss photographer takes us on a journey through six images from his archive, photographing figures like Che Guevara chain-smoking in his office in 1963, Pablo Picasso in Cannes in 1957 and Am

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    Introducing Boomerang from Instagram, a new video app that lets you turn everyday moments into something fun and unexpected.<br />
<br />
Press a button and the app does the rest. Boomerang takes a

    Introducing Boomerang from Instagram

    Introducing Boomerang from Instagram, a new video app that lets you turn everyday moments into something fun and unexpected.

    Press a button and the app does the rest. Boomerang takes a

    Video prezent in stirile/articolele:

    Video prezent in stirile/articolele: