Muzeul de Arta Timisoara continua seria concertelor din Sala Baroca (Piata Unirii, Timisoara) cu un recital sustinut miercuri, 6 aprilie a.c., de la ora 18 de catre artistii Judit Andrejszki - voce & virginal si Caius Hera - lauta renascentista.
Repertoriul contine muzica elisabetana vocal instrumentala din creatia unor compozitori englezi ai secolului XVI:
1.Fantasia for lute and virginal (orig for two lutes)-Anon sec. XVI
2.Echo for lute and virginal (orig for 2 lutes)-Anon sec.XVI
3.Drewries Accords for lute and virginal (orig for 2 lutes)-Anon sec.XVI
4.When to her lute Corina sings-Thomas Campion
5.Flow my tears-John Dowland
6.If my complaints-John Dowland
7.Fine knacks for ladies-John Dowland
8.Drums and flute(virginal)-William Byrd
9.In a Merry Mood for lute and virginal (orig for two lutes)-Anon sec XVI
10.A Toy for lute and virginal (orig for 2 lutes)-Thomas Robinson
11.Now, o now (Frog Galliard)-John Dowland
12.Can she excuse my wrongs-John Dowland
13.Say Love-John Dowland
14.Fantasia(lute)-John Dowland
15.What then is love-Philip Rosseter
16.It was a lover-Thomas Morley
17.Fain would I-Thomas Campion
18.Rossignol for lute and virginal(orig for 2 lutes)-Anon sec.XVI
19.I saw my lady weep-John Dowland
20.Mistress mine-Thomas Morley
Intrarea libera.